Since its establishment in 1954, Dongkuk Steel has walked alongside the history of South Korea's economic development.
With the transition to a holding company structure in 2023, we are preparing for the next stage of growth by strengthening the independence and expertise of the hot rolling business division.
We sincerely extend our gratitude to all our employees , who has dedicated to sustain the 70-year legacy of our business.
Recently, the steel industry has faced a downturn due to the global and domestic economic slowdown and the intensification of protectionism.
To overcome these challenges and grow into a 100-year enterprise, and eventually a perpetual company, we must solidify our core competencies, which are the foundation of corporate competitiveness.
Among these core competencies, "ethical management" serves as the fundamental base.
Ethical management refers to all activities that enable sustainable management based on transparency and responsibility.
Since the initial establishment of the Ethical Code in 2002 and the official declaration of "ethical management" in 2016, our company has applied it as a standard of conduct for all employees.
Furthermore, we have actively practiced it through annual ethical pledges, education, and campaigns for all employees.
To internalize "ethical management," we emphasize the following principles:
First, we must ensure transparency and fairness on decision-making and business practices with all external stakeholders, including customers and partners.
Second, all employees should uphold ethical awareness, foster mutual respect among colleagues, and work towards establishing a healthy corporate culture.
To eliminate the misuse of company assets for personal purposes, abuse of authority, verbal abuse, harassment, and violations of ethical standards, we ask all employees to unite their efforts.
Our company operates a reporting center at all times and will take corrective action immediately in response to any unethical behavior.
Dear employees, let us work together to build Dongkuk Steel into a company that earns trust, inspires loyalty, and remains a model of sustainability through ethical management.
February 2025 Sam young Choi, CEO
1. General Rule
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Main Content |
Purpose |
The purpose of this Practice Guidelines for Code of Ethics (hereinafter referred to as ‘Practice Guidelines’) is to prescribe matters necessary for decision-making, behavioral standards, and reporting procedures regarding ethical issues Dongkuk people face in their duties and daily lives. |
Definitions |
- 1. Money and valuables: It refers to securities such as cash, checks, and gift certificates, as well as all items such as gifts and souvenirs
- 2. Entertainment and hospitality: It refers to benefits such as eating, drinking, sports, watching plays, etc.
- 3. Convenience: It refers to support other than money and valuables and entertainment and hospitality, such as transportation, lodging, and event support
- 4. Reporters: It refers to all executives and employees who are obliged to report in relation to receipt of money, valuables, etc. and recognition of such fact
5. Interested parties: It refers to all internal and external natural persons, corporations, and organizations, such as business partners, suppliers, and partner companies, that are affected by the actions or decisions of executives and employees in relation to work.
- 6. Department heads: It refers to more than the executives and team leaders in charge as a position manager.
- 7. . Improper solicitation: It refers to 15 types of solicitation or brokerage acts stipulated in the Anti-Solicitation and Graft Act in relation to anti-corruption regulations that impede the performance of duties with integrity and fairness, such as causing public officials, etc. to violate laws or abuse their position or authority.
- 8. . Prohibition of giving money and valuables: It refers to the prohibition of giving money, valuables, etc.stipulated in the Anti-Solicitation and Graft Act to public officials, etc. in relation to the anti-corruption regulations, regardless of whether they are related to their duties, under the pretext, or in return. However, matters recognized as exceptional under the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act are excluded.
2. Relationship with Customers
2-1 Receipt of money, valuables, entertainment, and convenience from customers
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Prohibited Cases |
Cases of receiving money, valuables, entertainment, hospitality, convenience, etc. from customers |
Code of Conduct |
- 1. We shall not directly or indirectly receive, promote, or tolerate inappropriate money, valuables, entertainment, or convenience from customers.
- 2. If there is an offer as above, we shall politely decline it.
- 3. However, souvenirs that are acceptable in terms of social norms provided to attendees at events organized by the customer, such as souvenirs marked with the customer's company logo, are excluded.
- 4. If we receive without being aware of it, we shall return it immediately.
- 5. If we unavoidably receive it against our will or it is difficult to return, we shall submit it to the Ethics Management Team within 3 working days from the date of receipt.
3. Relations Between Executives and Employees
3-1 Receipt of money, valuables, entertainment, and convenience between executives and employees
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Prohibited Cases |
- 1. An act in which superiors and persons in higher ranks/positions demand money and valuables, or entertainment from subordinates by using their position
- 2. An act of a subordinate employee providing money, valuables, gifts, entertainment, etc. to his/her superiors and persons in higher ranks/positions in private
- 3. An act of giving to the inspector (department) or receiving from the examinee (department) unfair convenience when performing various evaluation and inspection tasks
- 4. An act of mobilizing subordinates for private affairs by superiors and persons in higher ranks/positions
- 5. An act of suggesting or inducing the provision of money, valuables or entertainment between executives and employees
Code of Conduct |
- 1. It is prohibited to personally give gifts to superiors and persons in higher ranks as it may affect promotion, performance, and annual salary However, money and valuables provided by superiors and persons in higher ranks to persons in lower ranks for the purpose of boosting morale, such as consolation, encouragement, and rewards, are permitted.
- 2. We shall report to the Ethics Management Team if the superiors or persons in higher ranks ask for money, valuables, entertainment, etc.
- 3. If persons in lower ranks provide personal money, valuables, entertainment, etc., superiors or persons in higher ranks shall firmly reject them and fully explain the purpose of the company's ethical management to the employee concerned.
3-2 Financial transactions between executives and employees and excessive money for congratulations and condolences
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Prohibited Cases |
- 1. Financial transactions between executives and employees shall be prohibited, regardless of whether interest is received or not.
- 2. Loan guarantees between executives and employees shall be prohibited.
- 3. We shall not give or receive money and valuables (under any name), such as farewell money, when superiors and persons in higher ranks/positions are on overseas business trips or transferred to affiliates.
Code of Conduct |
- 1. Financial transactions between executives and employees shall be prohibited, regardless of whether interest is received or not.
2. Loan guarantees between executives and employees shall be prohibited.
3. We shall not give or receive money and valuables (under any name), such as farewell money, when superiors and persons in higher ranks/positions are on overseas business trips or transferred to affiliates.
4. Relationship Between Employees and the Company
4-1 Embezzlement and misappropriation of company funds
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Prohibited Cases |
- 1. An act of personally embezzling or temporarily using the company's public funds, such as income, etc.
- 2. An act of using corporate cards and company-owned securities (parking cards, gift certificates, etc.) for personal use
Code of Conduct |
- 1. Private use of the company's public funds, such as income, etc., shall be prohibited regardless of the excessive amount or reason.
- 2. The public funds, such as income, etc. shall be managed with a bank account under the name of the company.
- 3. Income shall be processed without delay, and expenditure shall be thoroughly documented.
- 4. We shall not falsely claim the company budget for personal gain.
- 5. We shall not purchase goods and services for private use using corporate cards or company-owned securities (parking cards, gift certificates, etc.).
4-2 Inadequate budget execution
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Prohibited Cases |
- 1. Executing the budget in a manner that differs from the initial goal without following due procedure
- 2. An act of failing to handle irregular income following due procedure
- 3. Budget waste due to inappropriate usage or over-execution
- 4. An act of turning corporate cards and company-owned securities (parking cards, gift certificates, etc.) into cash
Code of Conduct |
- 1. The budget must be utilized for its intended purpose, and if diversion is inevitable, it shall be carried out according to an appropriate procedure.
- 2. Irregular income from the sale of equipment and damage compensation must be regarded as income in line with the company's standards and processes.
- 3. Efforts must be placed to guarantee that the budget is carried out in a reasonable and efficient manner
- 4. The cashing of corporate cards or securities (parking cards, gift certificates, etc.) is strictly forbidden.
5. Relations with Other Interested Parties such as Partner Companies
5-1 Receipt of money, valuables, entertainment, and convenience from interested parties
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Prohibited Cases |
- 1. An act of accepting or receiving money, valuables, gifts, travel (expenses), entertainment, etc. from interested parties
- 2. An act of demanding or inducing money, valuables, entertainment, etc. from interested parties
- 3. An act of receiving excessive money for congratulations and condolences from interested parties
Code of Conduct |
- 1. Receipt of money, valuables, gifts, entertainment, etc., beyond the level accepted by social norms, shall be prohibited, regardless of whether it is in return, and receipt through family, relatives, or acquaintances shall also be regarded as an employee's own act.
- 2. If there is a proposal as above, we shall explain the company's ethical management policy and politely decline. However, souvenirs that are acceptable in terms of social norms provided to attendees at events organized by interested parties are excluded.